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QR Code for COVID-19 Test Results

**Please note** As of March 2023, we no longer provide QR codes for COVID-19 test results.

December 2021
COVID-19 test result QR Code on a cellular phone

We provide a QR code with your COVID-19 TEST result.  It can be used* for:

  • International or domestic travel
  • Work
  • School
  • Entry into events
  • Etc.

Get a rapid curbside COVID-19 test from us -- we will call you with the results within one hour, and within two hours, we will email you a receipt and text you a QR code that links to your test results. 

You will receive a QR code from us for the following curbside COVID-19 tests:

Rapid PCR test

Rapid Antigen test

*QR codes and/or the type of test may or may not be accepted, depending on the requirements of your purpose.  Please check with your destination, the organizers of your event, the school administrators, etc.

Please see our Rapid Tests page for details about each of our tests.  Booking a rapid curbside test on our calendar is easy: 

CLICK HERE to book a rapid curbside test for COVID-19

Additional information:

Can I manage my family's results all on one phone?

Yes, you can give us one phone number for all of the tests and the QR code will be texted to one cellular number. 

Is the QR code secure?

Yes, our QR codes comply with HIPAA and international standards.  Your information is stored and transmitted via HIPAA-compliant means.  To access your personal data, someone who scans your QR code must also have your name and date of birth.  Please note that by giving your name and date of birth to another person and allowing them to scan your QR code, you are giving them permission to access your personal data.

Does it cost me extra to get the QR code?

No, the price is the same for our COVID-19 tests, whether you need a QR code or not.  All individuals who receive a rapid COVID-19 test from us and who provide us with their phone number and email address will receive a QR code with the result.

How does the QR code work?

It is simply a link to a digital version of your test results.  To see your own results on your phone, click on the website link provided under the QR code in the text that you receive.  To see someone else's results using a QR code on their phone, "take a photo" of their QR code and click on the link to the internet page instead of the button to take the photo.  A device or app that specifically scans QR codes can also be used.

What does the test result certificate look like?

Here is a sample of what the QR code links to, after your name and birthdate are entered:

Sample COVID-19 test result

Do I need a negative test result in addition to being vaccinated?  Do I need to get a booster to be able to travel internationally?  What kind of test, PCR or Antigen, do I need?  Is your test accepted everywhere?

If getting tested for COVID-19 and having a negative test result are necessary for what you want to do, please check and double check the requirements for your particular purpose.  This is because:

  • Some destinations continue to require testing upon arrival, regardless of vaccine status.  Other destinations require full vaccination in addition to a negative test result. 
  • "Fully vaccinated" may mean two doses of an mRNA or one dose of the Janssen vaccine, or a booster as well.  The meaning of "fully vaccinated" can vary depending on requirements.
  • Some locations require that COVID-19 tests be performed by a testing center that is on their list of pre-approved or local facilities.
  • Some locations require you to quarantine while awaiting local test results, or regardless of pre-departure test results.
  • Some destinations will only accept PCR tests where samples are analyzed by a laboratory, rather than a rapid PCR test such as ours.
  • For some purposes, you must also have a QR code for your vaccination status.
  • Etc.

*Checking the requirements for what you want to do is your best bet to ensure that your test results can be accepted.

Can I print out the QR code?

Yes, and that is advisable so that you have a paper back-up that can also be scanned.  You might want to print out a copy of the results page as another back-up. 

You would also want to plan it so that your phone will have sufficient battery life for when you need to show the QR code.  To note, once you've received the text with your QR code, that text can still be shown even if your cell phone is in airplane mode.  However, if you want to access the web page that it links to on your phone, your phone must have access to the internet.

What is GoRev?

It is the supplier company that we use to provide QR codes for our COVID-19 tests.

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